How to Make Pepper Gel at Home?
Posted by Sharp Import on 5/11/2023

Pepper Gel is a spice-based seasoning in a gel form that is available at most grocery stores. It's commonly used on dishes such as pizza, meat, and pasta dishes. You can also use it to give your popcorn or chicken a deliciously spicy kick! It is a flavorful, thick sauce typically made from tabasco peppers, other hot peppers, salt, and vinegar.
There are many variations of this preparation like jalapeno and red pepper jelly that have much less heat but add flavor to the dish in addition to the heat. It is a thick, spicy, sweet sauce prepared from peppers, tomatoes, onions, and canned or bottled spices. It's most notable for its sweet overtones caused by the tomato mixture.
Components of Pepper Gel
Pepper gel has components that irritate the skin and eyes. One component is oleoresin capsicum aka OC which is a liquid form of pepper that mixes with latex to form a foam when deployed. OC can also be found in bear repellent sprays like Mace but it isn't applied on people like it would be when using pepper spray in conjunction with other law enforcement officers.
The OC gets absorbed into the outer layer of the skin or eye causing an intense burning sensation for up to 45 minutes after contact with the affected area. The skin also starts to swell after contact with the pepper gel and is no longer able to absorb as much fluid. The swelling can cause serious infections if not treated.
Some medical supplies contain 40% OC. The amount of your skin or eyes that get affected depends on how long it takes for the gel to dry on you. You can also wash it off but it will continue to sting for a short period of time. You should not attempt to rub the gel off your skin under normal circumstances because it will only continue to sting.
The last component is Myristica Fragrans Oil or also known as nutmeg oil. This oil is used as a modern-day alternative medicine treatment. People use it to stimulate the gallbladder and liver which can lead to nausea when applied in large amounts. Large amounts are sprayed on the skin which will cause a burning sensation that then spreads around the body causing sweating, dizziness, and headaches.

Making Pepper Gel at Home
Pepper gel is a type of pepper that boasts a sweet and spicy flavor. It is typically made by boiling peppers for five minutes in water, sugar, and vinegar. This mixture can then be followed by steeping in alcohol for an hour or more, depending on the desired taste of the finished product. With these components and the quality of ingredients, you have available to you, making your own pepper gel should be very easy.
Ingredients and Supplies:
- A can of whole green peppers (preferably with stems) (about 20-22 peppers)
- 1/4 cup water
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 1/3 cup vinegar (5% acidity) or 4 tablespoons white wine vinegar mixed with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
- Water, vinegar, and sugar to cover the bottom of a double boiler
The Procedure:
Peppers are boiled in water for 5 minutes. The water is drained and the remaining liquid is poured over the sliced peppers in a saucepan. Sugar is next added and the mixture is boiled until thickened (approximately 10 minutes). You will notice its appearance is a deep orange. It has the consistency of soft tapioca. This basically takes the place of cornstarch in this recipe.At this stage, white wine vinegar is poured into the mixture and stirred in until it is well mixed with everything else in the pan. Once the gel is completely dissolved, it may be bottled for use at any time (I personally prefer to let it sit for a day or two before freezing).The vinegar will settle out of the solution and separate from your product, leaving you with perfectly shaped peppers that can be easily used to make sauces and other food items. White vinegar is not recommended since it has a very sharp smell which might offend those sensitive to smells. In addition, the color of the vinegar is not very tasty. When stored in a freezer, the gel will keep for at least 4 months.
Benefits of Pepper Gel
Pepper gel is a substance that you apply to the skin, but it has been reported to affect other parts of your body. In particular, this gel can help with arthritis. It also has analgesic properties and can be used as a topical pain reliever.
In terms of its physical benefits, there are some areas where our bodies need more oomph when we exercise or work out, and this gel provides that for us. Furthermore, it has been said that the substance increases physical endurance and helps athletes to perform better in their events. Let's take a look at the better aspects of this product first:
- Helps Arthritis with its Analgesic Properties
As with regular pepper spray, this substance can help to relieve the aches and pains you experience. In addition to helping your joints, this gel can relax your muscles.
- Increases Physical Endurance
As mentioned above, pepper gel gives you an energy boost. This means that you can exercise for longer or do more physical tasks if you're one of those people who needs a little extra push when working out. Some studies have also been done on animals and humans that suggest that this product is able to improve athletic performance. However, more research needs to be done on the subject before any real conclusions are drawn.
- Topical Pain Reliever
It's been stated that pepper gel has some analgesic properties, meaning that it can help with the pain. The substance is reported to be able to numb the skin, which should help in relieving any aches and pains that you may have.
- Works Better When Used Externally
If this gel is sprayed on your skin, then it will work better than if it were injected into your body. The reason for this is that the skin absorbs the substance more easily than any other part of the body, even if it is injected. Therefore, applying a topical item on your skin will be more effective at relieving pain and relaxing muscles than in an internal area of your body.
Downfalls of Pepper Gel
Pepper gel’s great for all over a cold, but what are its downsides? Let's explore:
This gel is basically an aerosolized hot sauce made from ground black pepper seeds. It is intended to be sprayed onto the surface of the food to give it a spicy or warm flavor. Pepper spray is not just limited to food though - it has many other uses as well. In fact, pepper spray is used by law enforcement officials around the world because it can temporarily incapacitate people despite low odor, heat, or noise levels.
In addition, pepper-sprayed mace can be sprayed into carotid arteries and nose cavities in order to stop resistance attackers while they are running away or even in flight. Pepper spray also causes powerful tearing and breathing difficulties, so it is also used by animal control officers in order to immobilize aggressive dogs.
Also Read: Does Pepper Spray Expire?
This gel can be found with red pepper or other forms of hot peppers that are dried and ground into a fine powder, then mixed with a thickening agent. The thickening agent can be natural or artificial and its purpose is to hold the pepper particles inside of the mixture instead of allowing them to spray out during use. This gel should not be used on the skin because it will cause irritation, not just pain.
Before using pepper gel, it needs to be mixed with an ingredient called a demulcent, which is an agent that mops up the acidity of the juice and other acids produced by the peppers. Normally, these demulcent agents are acidic themselves and when mixed with chili peppers they can "cook" them in order to make them less irritating. However, some demulcents can also actually irritate the skin.
This gel should not be used too close to certain areas of the body such as the eyes or mouth or in enclosed areas like a car engine or room. It can corrode metal and wood so it should not be used on items that will come into contact with food later like cutting boards or countertops.