How is Pepper Spray as a Self Defense Weapon?

One kind of pepper-infused aerosol spray is pepper spray. The term refers to the frequent use of peppers as a main component. Since its development in the 1970s in the United States, it has been mainly used for self-defense; however, it can also be used for other....
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5 Most Popular Medieval Armor

A protective outfit meant to be worn by knights and soldiers during the Middle Ages is known as medieval armor. Typically, it included a metal helmet, a coat of plates or breastplate made of iron, leg defenses made of wood or copper, and a chain mail hauberk with...
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Easy Ways of Sharpening a Pocket Knife

A pocket knife is a folding knife that includes a blade. The purpose of the knife is to be carried in one's pocket, hence the name. The reason for carrying such an item is practicality and utility; it can be fashioned into many different tools that are commonly required in....
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Lipstick Stun Gun - Women’s Ultimate Self Defense Weapon

Many people want to know what a lipstick stun gun is. Well, a lipstick stun firearm is used for personal protection in cases where an attacker is close to the victim. The device often looks like a tube of lipstick and can be easily put inside a purse or pocket without drawing....
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7 Simplest Butterfly Knife Tricks You Should Try

You may have seen butterfly knives in movies or on TV, but what are they really? We're here to tell you! A butterfly knife is a knife that has two handles with blades that fold out from either side. This makes them easier to open and close than a typical folding knife....
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How Do Modern Crossbows Differ From Traditional Ones?

Crossbows are weapons that can be made with wood and rope, metal or plastic. Reaching back to medieval times, these weapons were used by many of the world's cultures. They could project an arrow at a faster velocity than a bow and also allowed for higher....
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