Nunchucks: The Fantastic Moves You Can Master With Them

Other weapons can be operated more easily and can be learned quickly than nunchucks. The sword is said to be operated with most difficulty but these nunchucks have even left sword behind, as their movement is more complex.
One has to be real quick in hand movement and one must have accurate and perfect concentration towards it, while using it.
Origin and Construction of Nunchucks:
Some of the sticks are round in shape from the free end. Free end is the end which is not connected with the chain. Some are straight too, usually the aluminum ones. It is important for the user to distribute the weight on rods equally, this is key when showing tricks, the nunchucks should be properly balanced. By proper balance it is meant that the nunchucks should be balanced in terms of weight. The user usually holds the nunchucks from the area near the end of the stick, this area is usually made prominent and is known as grip.
The grip of hand maybe loses or tight depending up on the nature of trick being shown. While showing tricks, the grip is continuously changed. There are different styles for carrying them. The front carry and the back carry are the famous ones.
Movement of Nunchucks:
The nunchucks as modern weapon is totally a decoration piece unless one knows the different movements of them. All these movements involve speedy skills and great practice.
Figure Eight move:
The most common movement of nunchucks is the figure eight move. One stick of the nunchucks is held tight in the hand, while the other one is set free. The wider a person will stand, the easier it will be for him to make this move.
The numeric eight is made in the air at front or sideways of body. It is moved in such a way that it resembles the infinity symbol or eight number, for this reason it got its name as figure eight movement.
The ones who got firm control over this technique can try it closer to the body, else it’s better to keep it as far as possible to avoid hitting his own self. Once you feel confident about this move, it can be further practiced with both hands. This move actually creates a shield around the mover. Hence it is a good self-defense technique.
Arm Switch:
To execute this move, as it involves the shoulder, it should be practiced very carefully. The one stick is flipped over the shoulder in backward direction and with the other hand should be at front of body, so that the flipping stick can be gripped.
The hand movement should be carefully observed. If gripping the stick from right hand, the other stick should be flipped over the right shoulder with left hand at front. For left shoulder, same should be repeated with the change of hand. This move can cause serious injury if one gets hit by the stick, so it is better to practice it with the foam covered nunchucks first and then the wooden ones.
Helicopter Spin:
This move involves more of the wrist movement. The stick should be gripped from near the chain instead of lower end, the grip has to be strong and then raising it high, the other stick can be whirled. It should be whirled above the height of the head. It resembles the movement of fans of the helicopter, for this reason this movement is named as helicopter spin. One should take care that he do not loses the control over it else it can spank anyone’s head.
Hand Roll:
In this type of movement of nunchucks, the grip of hand on stick is changed from one stick to another. The stick is held in a way that when flipped, the other stick comes at the back of the hand and quickly the other stick is grasped. It is a single-handed trick. After this, it can be reversed in a way that the original grip is again at the starting position.
Eye Strike:
Each stick is held in one hand, the center chain is at front of the eye. the grip has to be near the chain and then the hands are rotated and pushed outward, the fixed ends of stick comes at front of the user’s face and the other free ends are in pointed position towards the opponent. As a result, the attack of other person is blocked.
Best Nunchuck Users:
Nunchucks and martial arts both received the highest possible eminence. The man behind it was Bruce Lee. He is considered as stardom of this art. He was nothing less than perfection in this art. He made nunchucks to be known by everyone. The nunchucks are now considered as the supreme of all ninja weapons and this is only due to Bruce Lee. He was so skilled in this art that hardly anyone can stand in front of him. His moves were fast and so good that there is still no one who can outmatch him.
He used nunchucks in his movies and from there, everyone started to know about them. Hardly there is any move that he was not able to do. In fact many of the moves are his invention. Before him, they were not famous across the world, they were known only in Japan but after this man every kid, everyone around the world start knowing about nunchucks. Almost every of his movie involved the use of them, apart from nunchucks many other ninja weapons got fame due to his movies. Even taekwondo itself got famous because of him. Many training institutes are there where this art can be learned.
Nunchucks are widely sold and available in many of the countries, though in some countries the use of nunchucks is banned as well. Military officers use nunchucks too. They use it to snatch the weapon or to handcuff the other person.