How to Skin a Squirrel? Follow Simple Steps
Posted by Sharp Import on 11/15/2022

If you love nature, spending time in the deep woods, or doing some traditional hunting can be lots of fun. The history of hunting is a long one, with many different tribes and cultures developing hunting skills of their own. With the advent of modern technology, it can be easy to forget that this is one of the oldest ways to enjoy nature – but you don't have to go back too far in time in order for it to be a lot more fun.
Whether you're new to hunting and hunting knives or just want something new, there are some cool techniques for ethical outdoor hunting. Hunting is an old hobby, and it really hasn't changed all that much throughout the years. The whole point of hunting is to catch something, which can be quite tricky, especially in modern cities. But where modern technology and the best of hunting help you can become a better hunter.
The Trend of Small Game Hunting
Hunting of small animals such as rabbits and squirrels is prevalent. Squirrel hunting is one of the few ways to increase your odds to have success. This can be as simple as walking through a forest and looking for squirrels, or as involved as climbing up a tree in hunting season. One company has come up with a new invention that will help you catch them more effectively, without any hassle of maneuvers.
Squirrels are small rodents. They measure around five to sixteen inches long. Squirrels have clawed feet and a pointed nose, which they use to hunt food. This includes nuts and seeds, fruits, insects (especially in summer), eggs, and small birds or mammals. Sometimes they also try eating fish that has been caught on a line or an ice cream cone dropped by someone outside the window!
The most common way is for humans to shoot them with a gun or bow and arrow that kills them quickly. Some people attach a string to the arrow or bullet and then shoot them with a gun. This way the squirrel is able to drag the arrow with him so you can find him by following the string. This method is only used if the hunter finds that it is too hard to get close enough to the squirrel.
Also, in areas where there are other animals such as raccoons, they might be able to get an easy meal from it, so hunters keep an eye on their traps or areas they are hunting in order to make sure they don't get stolen from.

History of Squirrel Hunting
The history of hunting squirrels has been a contentious subject in the world for decades. For many, the animal's adorable appearance is at odds with the very natural and human-driven impulse to hunt them. The debate over this topic borders on hypocrisy, as few are aware that it is our own unique relationship with these rodents that have made them such desirable prey.
Throughout time, humans have hunted squirrels for a variety of reasons; some for food, others for sport, and others still to preserve their crops from being destroyed by hungry rodents living in close proximity to their farms.
The earliest reports of squirrel-hunting date back to the Middle Ages, when a knight named Sir Gawain kept track of his kills in the margins of an illuminated manuscript. In these earliest passages, Sir Gawain was not particularly proud of his kills; he was content to eat the meat that these animals provided him, but he did not relish in the killing of them.
As more and more hunters began to pursue squirrels for sport and food, there is evidence that they began to develop a sense of emotional attachment to their prey. In one instance, a hunter named Petitpierre took pride in killing one particular squirrel; a male that he named King Frederick.
How to Skin a Squirrel - Step-by-Step
First, find a tree where you can hang the squirrel. If you are outdoors, find a high tree that has branches about 20 feet up from the ground. Wait for a decent-sized storm or farmer's windstorm to come, since this will cause some leaves to fall midair at which time you are able to climb up into the tree using their momentum, your own muscles (if they're strong enough), or rope. Don’t forget to carry your skinning knife.

- Step 1
Once you get up in the tree, tie one end of your rope around some sturdy branches so it won't loosen as much during ascent. When swinging the rope, make sure that you swing it in slow, synchronized movements. Some people use their hands as well, but it's much easier with a rope.
- Step 2
Once you've swung the rope upward and tied it around the branches that you've attached a rope to, tie the other end of your rope around the squirrel's neck. It's best if you tie the other end around its neck before doing so because if you swing them up onto a limb and then try to climb up they all fall while they are dangling in midair.
- Step 3
After doing this, wait for a storm to come again and stick your hand out of your treehouse (or whatever you call it), and have a look below. See if you can find a squirrel family sheltering in the brush at the bottom of the tree. The one you've just trapped will be the mother, who's laying on her back and hiding.
- Step 4
When trying to release your squirrel, pull on an arm and gently get her away from her babies, which are only young and are entirely helpless when their mother is gone. If she has her babies with her, do not try to pull them away from their mother unless you want them to fall into the hole below. When releasing your squirrel, you must keep a steady hand on the rope and not let it loosen at all.
This is a very simple process, especially if you're in a treehouse. If you're outdoors and it's raining, I suggest tying your rope around some branches under your treehouse. It's hot outside in the summertime so winter would be best if you can stand the cold. This will keep it in place even if there is the wind blowing.
Read More: How to Skin a Deer?
Useful Tips for Squirrel Hunting
- If you are after a squirrel in the trees, go about three feet off the ground. Squirrels will only go up to about ten feet in height, so you don't need to sit on a ladder.
- If you want to lure them down from their nest, spray some pheromones all over your body: they have a keen sense of smell and will come running towards you.
- When they come down, run away as fast as possible! The more panicked the squirrel feels, the faster it will dig.
- Once it's at the surface, throw a rock at it or try to hit it with a shovel or anything.
- If you can't see the squirrel in its hole, just throw your rock down the hole until you hit one, and then follow the blood trail.
- If you are having trouble finding squirrels, keep moving. They don't like new environments and will stay in the same area for weeks on end. So if they aren't around where you're at, look somewhere else.
- If you are having trouble finding an entrance to the den, find a bird's nest that is in the same tree. Birds usually build their nests in holes in trees so you might be able to spot them.
- If you see one get away, try to chase it down and just hold it in place until you can kill it.
Hunting Squirrels for Fun and Profit!
Its rapid growth in popularity has launched a new kind of sport. Hunting squirrels, or just chasing and catching them, is a recreational pastime as well as an effective way to sustainably limit their population.
The US Wildlife Services has also weighed in on the issue saying that it is natural prey selection and not hunting in general that primarily impacts squirrel populations. Though there are some risks associated with the hobby, they've acknowledged the benefits of hunting squirrels over other predators such as coyotes and bears which have not necessarily been targeted by this particular activity.
Finding the right approach to take with squirrel hunting can be difficult because of the variations in species and habitat. There are several different squirrel hunting techniques, each depending on exactly what you're looking for. Best squirrel guns, equipment, and tips from experts. Be sure to read this article before you start hunting.