How to Make Pepper Spray?

How to make pepper spray

Pepper spray was invented in the 1800s when it was used as a bright colorant in foods. The first documented use of this spray for use as a self-defense tool came about in 1836 when Jean Joseph Pierre Naigeon used it to protect himself against an attacker. Despite....
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How Were Swords Used in Medieval Times?

How were swords used in medieval times

A sword can mean many things in many contexts. Sometimes, the term may denote a type of knife with a flat blade that is typically used for slashing, cut & thrust attacks, or trapping and grappling techniques. Other times, it may also refer to any bladed weapon....
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9 Principles of Safe Crossbow Hunting

9 Principles of Safe Crossbow Hunting

A crossbow is a bow mounted horizontally on a rigid frame, with a mechanism in the middle that holds an arrow.  Instead of pulling it back, you push it forward and then release it to send the hand speeding towards your target. Unlike a regular bow, you can keep....
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Top 5 Anime Swords For Enthusiasts

Top 5 Anime Swords

Anime swords are commonly depicted in Japanese animated media, also known as "anime". These swords are often depicted as having unique and elaborate designs and are often wielded by characters with special powers or abilities. In anime, swords are often....
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How to Throw Throwing Knives? Step-By-Step Guide

How to throw throwing knives?

Throwing knives are an essential component of a throwing knife set. There are many benefits to these knives, including exercise and killing silently. The advantages make them one of the most popular martial arts items available for sale. There are also disadvantages....
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Top 10 Coolest Fighting Fantasy Swords

Coolest Fighting Fantasy Swords

Fantasy swords are objects that reside in fiction, which is a broad term used to describe something that doesn't exist. This might be books, movies, television shows—you name it! One of the most iconic examples of this is Star Wars and their lightsabers. These weapons....
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Top 7 Self Defense Weapons for Women to Carry in 2023

Top 7 Self Defense Weapons for Women

Self-defense weapons are a must for anyone living in a world where one can't always count on the police being there to protect you. These weapons help someone to defend themselves against an attacker, but they're not just tools of violence—they can also be used....
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Deer Hunting With Crossbow - A Complete Guide

Deer Hunting With Crossbow

A hunting crossbow is a type of bow used by archers to hunt. They are often used by hunters in field and brush hunting. Because the crossbow uses a mechanical device that draws the string while holding the bow with their arms, they fire arrows more rapidly....
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How Does Pepper Spray Work as a Defensive Weapon?

How Does Pepper Spray Work?

Pepper spray is a common and highly potent irritant (capsaicin) that causes the eyes, nose, throat, skin, and respiratory tract to react. This spray has been used as an agent of non-lethal self-defense and law enforcement in various temperatures. Its use in law enforcement....
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How to Use a Hunting Bow and Arrow?

How to use a hunting bow and arrow

A hunting bow is a longbow made from wood and metal parts and is typically used for archery hunting. It is one of the oldest weapons in the world, with some first use dating back over 10,000 years ago. It is an ancient weapon that has been replaced mostly....
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Top 7 Self-Defense Knives For Survival

Top 7 Self Defense Knives

There is no doubt, we all have one goal in mind: to survive. We must stand ready in whatever situation arises. It's up to us to protect ourselves. And while it's possible that a knife can be used as such, a more significant tool exists that is less likely to require extensive training....
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Top 7 Survival Weapons For Campers Against Wild Animals

Top 7 Survival Weapons for Campers

Camping and hunting are among the most enjoyable and thrilling activities to do. There is endless fun and thrill. However, you can only enjoy the thrill and fun of camping and hunting if you are safe from the attackers and wild animals. There are a few wild animals....
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