Trap and skeet shooting upland hunting hand made genuine leather waist bag

Trap and skeet shooting upland hunting hand made genuine leather waist bag, ideal for range while shooting trap with your sideby side or over and under.
$71.00 $56.80
You Save:$14.20(20%)
Availability: In Stock.
Part Number: 2G1-LBA-4-CT-ROUNDED
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  • Bag is elegant handmade 100% genuine cow leather ideal for upland hunting or while at the range shooting trap and skeet. Bag is Hand made hand stitched. Quality craftsmanship at an unbelievable price for genuine leather.
  • Bag has 2 compartments. One main compartment for ammo or accessories or both, a smaller compartment to fit phone gloves or other accessories. 
  • Bag is not ideal for wet conditions as it is 100% leather and will swell under wet conditions. 
  • Standout with this elegant bag at the range with your classic shotgun.

Caring for your leather 

Caring for your leather is important, but it is also possible to over-care for your leather if you add too much product to the material.

Someone who frequently cleans, polishes and then conditions their leather on a regular basis may be treading too closely to the over-caring line. Leather does not need to be polished on a regular basis if a good conditioner is being applied.

The easiest way to look at it is this: Leather should not be polished unless it has been conditioned, and leather should not be conditioned unless it has been cleaned.

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